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时间:2017年08月09日 来源:优迅医学 作者:会飞的鱼
09 2017-08

循环肿瘤细胞(circulating tumor cell,ctc)发现已久,作为肿瘤转移和复发的关键因素,研究自发现以来从未止步。这些关键性的发现,让我们能够了解ctc,从而研发出相应的检测技术。作为(←戳链接看介绍)标志物的重要一类,ctc检测技术在肿瘤诊疗个体化的当下也愈发成熟。





[1] epithelia suspended in collagen gels can lose polarity and express characteristics of migrating mesenchymal cells

[2] mechanisms, mechanics and function of epithelial-mesenchymal transitions in early development

[3] isolation by size of epithelial tumor cells: a new method for the immunomorphological and molecular characterization of circulatingtumor cells. 

[4] detection of circulating tumor cells in blood using an optimized density gradient centrifugation.

[5] role of organ selectivity in the determination of metastatic patterns of b16 melanoma.

[6] mechanisms of human tumor metastasis studied in patients with peritoneovenous shunts.

[7] a positive feedback loop between mesenchymal-like cancer cells and macrophages is essential to breast cancer metastasis.

[8] the distribution of secondary growths in cancer of the breast. 

[9]  a flattened mouse embryo: leveling the playing field.

[10] a case of cancer in which cells similar to those in the tumors were seen in the blood after death.
